Friday, August 14, 2015

Nerf Zombie Strike CS-6

Nerf Zombie Strike CS-6
Sorry for the video quality but the information is great!
I give this gun a BROCCOLI Rating! (2/5)
Major Pro:  It comes with a scope...that's all I liked
Major Cons:  Pretty much everything else...ultra big trigger...
felt like this gun was made for a gorilla!  Really poor accuracy
 and really bad range.  Couldn't find any barrel extensions that fit
 and the gun was really expensive!
Thumbs Down...
many other Nerf that are much better! 
Infact I think my sister's Nerf Rebel was better...

My Rating Scale:

Bacon: 5-The best...I LOVE this toy...almost perfect....Bacon Rocks!!!

Waffles: 4-One of my favorites but has a few things that I would change

Peas: 3-Don't mind it, but don't love it many goods as bads

Broccoli:  2-There are 1 or 2 things I like but there are more things I don't like

Tomatoes: 1-I would rather play with my sister's dolls than this toy

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